Mommy and Me Photos Denver Newborn Photography

3 Reasons to get Mommy & Me Photos every year!

Mom kissing 1 year old baby with her hair blowing  in the wind in golden light in an open field with a soft sunset

1. Your kids will treasure them!

Your mommy and me photos are exactly what your kids will look at time and time again when they are grown – these will be their favorite pictures as adults. They will look at all the milestone pictures you took of them over the years but the pictures of you together are the ones they will treasure. When they take out their childhood pictures to share with their future spouse or your grandchildren I guarantee they will be looking for and pause at the ones of you together. They want to see you in the pictures just like they remember you were there for them day to day growing up! Oh and guess what they could care less if your hair is done or you look exhausted (they will actually think that is a bit funny since they will know it is their fault). They just want to see your face in the pictures!

Mom snuggling newborn baby on her chest in a black and white pictures at home.

2. Mom is rarely in the day to day pictures.

Moms are almost always the one behind the camera making sure all the moments are captured. They make sure every milestone, event, and silly moments of their kids are documented every single day! And on the rare occasion when mom does make an appearance in a mommy and me photo it is typically a selfie with your little one! You deserve beautiful photos of yourself with your little ones. This is a gift not only for yourself but to give to your children too. You are the most important person in their lives and they deserve to have that captured.

3. The days are long but the years go so quickly!

Don’t put off your mommy and me photos. You can come up with a million excuses to wait (going to lose those extra pounds or get a fresh haircut etc.) but the years go by so fast and your kids change without you even realizing it! Tomorrow is never a guarantee and if you knew you weren’t going to be here for them like you expect – these pictures along with your words would be the most important thing you can leave behind for them.

It doesn’t matter where you are along your motherhood journey capturing mommy & me pictures in Denver should be a priority.

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